"It's All Relative"

You talk too much.
Use too many words.
And when that happens~
you sound absurd.

Yet you don’t say enough.
Your heart is mute.
It shouts in silence~
crying its rebuke.

With all your noise~
and heart on sleeve~
I still can’t see.
No, I still don’t believe.

Have you ever dealt~
with what’s ailing you?
Through all your rhetoric~
you say nothing new.

With all that self-pity~
you’ve left no room~
to see any hope.
All that’s left is doom.

If you look hard enough~
there’s always someone to blame~
for all of your anguish~
heartache and pain.

When you grow up~
and let go of the past~
you’ll find that happiness~
is within your grasp.

Pain and happiness~
it’s all relative.
And you can’t move on~
if you don’t forgive.

Copyright © 1999. Wednesday Moon. All Rights Reserved.
