Welcome to Wednesday Moon's Lair.
Pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea, or a glass of wine, or a mug of beer, or even a decanter of blood. Light a fire in the fireplace (or start up the a/c if you're hot). Fluff up your pillows and put your feet up. Get out your black lace handkerchief to dab your eyes in the face of darkness and despair. Or have one of your minions do all this for you. Then block out the screams of your victims locked down in the cellar (unless that helps keep you comfy). Whatever you do, just make yourself comfortable and enter my world where darkness is a friend to both laugh at and cry with.
Above are links (or portals as I like to call them) to my various poems in alphabetical order. I hope you enjoy them and thanks for your visit. Be sure to return soon as I do add new material frequently.
Below are some links of interest that you might also enjoy.
NOTE: If you have seen any of my poetry on another site please notify me immediately and provide the url/link so I can have it removed. Especially if someone else is taking credit for my work! Thanks!
ADDITIONAL NOTE: The views (merely artistic or otherwise) expressed on this website are my own and do not reflect the views of my employer. Also note that any views expressed in the guestbook or other websites linked to from this site are the personal views of the author(s) and are not necessarily a reflection of my own personal views. Thank you.
Webset & Masthead Designed by Raven - Demonosia Moonstoen Bat Star Image © Copyright Anne Stokes Maintained by Wednesday Moon. © Copyright 2010 & Beyond by Wednesday Moon. All rights reserved.
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